Fishinar - Top 25 Fish of the Greater Caribbean

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  1. Blue Tang
  2. Stoplight Parrotfish
  3. Foureye Butterflyfish
  4. Bicolor Damselfish
  5. Bluehead
  6. French Grunt
  7. Sergeant Major
  8. Brown Chromis
  9. Yellowtail Snapper
  10. Blue Chromis
  11. Bar Jack
  12. Yellow Goatfish
  13. Trumpetfish
  14. Yellowhead Wrasse
  15. Schoolmaster
  16. Graysby
  17. Princess Parrotfish
  18. Yellowtail Damselfish
  19. Fairy Basslet
  20. Spanish Hogfish
  21. Ocean Surgeonfish
  22. Redband Parrotfish
  23. Banded Butterflyfish
  24. Sharpnose Pufferfish
  25. Threespot Damselfish